Guest Post: 5 Quick Stress Reducing Tips for Moms
Being a mom means having a life that’s full of multitasking. From managing household chores to caring for kids, navigating work commitments to maintaining personal health, it can be a stressful and challenging balancing act.

Stress can sometimes seem like an inevitable part of motherhood, and that’s because it is! Besides the daily logistics of #momlife, there’s also the emotional stress that comes into play. The intense emotional load that mothers bear is just as, if not more, overwhelming than the physical demands.
But even though the stress is inevitable, it doesn’t mean it can’t be dealt with or
overcome. It’s so crucial to manage stress, not only for your well-being but also for the well-being of your family.
In today’s post, you’ll learn 5 quick, stress-reducing tips that are easy to implement in your day-to-day mom-life. Helping you to enjoy motherhood’s beautiful journey with less stress and more love.
Looking to BOOST your energy? Check out this post here.
Get More Sleep
Getting enough sleep is usually easier said than done. Especially when you have young children whose needs extend well into the wee hours of the night.

One thing you can do to increase the quality of your sleep is to establish a strong
nighttime regime. Your night routine sets you up for your evening to come, and
regardless of the chaos of the day, it will help you be more calm and have more capacity for whatever the night may bring.
And a strong night routine doesn’t mean long- it just means creating a few
non-negotiables you do each night to help you unwind, slow down, and pour back into yourself.
A few examples of this could be:
● Drinking Chamomile Tea
● Journaling
● Reading or Prayer Time
● Nightly Skincare
By adding just a few quick and easy steps into your nighttime routine, you can help redeem those lost hours and feel more rejuvenated the next day.
Eat A Balanced Diet (When You Can)
Eating healthy not only benefits your body but significantly helps with reducing stress levels as well. But with the businesses of the day-to-day, it can be hard (or even seem impossible) to do a full lifestyle change to clean foods and snacks for you to eat daily. And while it’s so much easier to pick up a quick bag of chips or a soda as a filler between, or with your meals, you can easily swap those less healthy habits and make better choices that are just as simple and quick.
For instance, instead of snacking on a bag of Lays potato chips, swap them out for kale chips or even apple slices- they still give that satisfying crunch without all the calories and sodium.
And instead of grabbing your usual Coke at lunchtime, grab a flavored sparkling water instead- you still get the bubbly carbonation you love without all the sugar and additives. Both of these options can be found at your local grocery and are probably already on your weekly shopping list!
Another great option to help you eat more balanced is to eat at least one leafy green vegetable with every meal. Leafy greens are rich in essential vitamins and minerals like Iron, Magnesium, and Calcium. So eating them is a pretty quick way to gain essential nutrition on a daily. They also are known to help maintain a healthy weight because of their level of satiety and ability to keep you full for longer amounts of time.
However you choose to incorporate more balanced alternatives in your diet is up to you, but as long as you’re making small changes they will help benefit your healthier lifestyle going forward.
Move Your Body
Physical exercise is one of the best ways to reduce stress, all while giving you so many holistic benefits at once.
Incorporating exercise into your daily routine doesn’t have to be all-consuming, time-consuming, or daunting as you probably think. Daily movement of any kind is good for your body. From yoga to HIIT, walking, or even just stretching daily- they all help you release your stress and can give you more peace and clarity.
Doing a 10-minute movement routine is a great way to start incorporating exercise into your daily routines. Not only is it part of your physical care but it’s also a form of self-care that you deserve to show yourself every day.
Stay Organized With Brain Dumps
From birthday parties, dentist appointments, kids activities, and trying to maintain a social life yourself?!- there can be so many things to remember and keep track of as a mom! And with all the organizing and strategizing to do, the overwhelm and anxiety can easily slip in and create chaos in our brains.
Insert “brain dumps” to help free up some of that mental space and keep you more organized in the process- it’s a win-win! Brain dumps are a quick 5 to 10-minute mental exercise where you write down everything that’s currently in your mind surrounding the tasks you need to do or have completed that day. This action allows you to visually see what you realistically need to do and takes the uncertainty that leads to your stress, out of the process.
Being able to write down everything on your mind allows you to take more control of your day and better plan out how you want to structure your tasks to ensure they get done. You can do brain dumps during your daily, weekly, or monthly planning sessions or as a spontaneous reaction to overwhelming thoughts in your head.
All in all, brain dumps are a great tool to use for organizational and scheduling processes and are a quick way to help relieve the stress of the day-to-day management of motherhood.
Connect With Others
They say it takes a village to raise a child, but we often forget that it takes a community to bring out the best in a mother. Our community as mothers is not only the families we are raising or the spouses we are supporting and loving, but they’re also the friends we have. Sometimes these friendships can fall to the wayside due to the stresses of life and motherhood but it’s so important to make the effort to create and maintain those relationships. They are a community that can nurture us and uplift us through the stresses of motherhood.
Another way to find connection through community is through support groups. You can find different types of motherhood groups online to ask for advice and share common interests. Support groups also give you a safe space to talk through problems and feel heard and understood by people you trust and are in a similar situation to you.
Remember that stress is a natural part of motherhood, but with the right tools and strategies, it can be managed more effectively. By incorporating these quick stress-reducing tips into your daily routine, you can better handle the daily demands of parenting, increase your mental and physical health, and enjoy more peaceful, fulfilling days with your family!
Bonus Ten Minute Tip:
Practice Gratitude!
Even during difficult times, there is always something you can find to be grateful for. Try to think of those things every day to put life’s stressors into perspective. Make a quick list of 5-10 things you are grateful for and why. Then hold onto those thoughts and remind yourself of them when those difficult times come.
Guest Blogger Bio

Taihjma Harris is a Northeast Ohio blogger and content writer with a passion for all things lifestyle, motherhood, and productivity. As a wife and mom of 2, she’s takes her real life experiences and shares them to inspire and encourage others on their motherhood journey. Check her out here