Looking Back, Moving Forward: A Centered Year-End Reflection
As 2022 comes to a close, this is an opportunity to pause and reflect on the year that has been. It’s been a challenging year in many ways—but it’s also been full of learning and growth opportunities. It has been the year of stepping into a more regular lifestyle and prioritizing what matters most- perhaps even making some big changes to align your lifestyle with your values and priorities. Instead of dwelling on the difficulties of the past year, let’s focus on taking stock of all that we have achieved and use this knowledge as fuel for setting goals for 2023 and beyond.
First and foremost, it’s important to take some time to acknowledge all that we are thankful for. This can be anything from our health and wellbeing, to our jobs or businesses that gave us the finances to take care of our families, or even small everyday things like a tasty meal cooked with love or five minutes of peace and quiet. Taking a few moments each day of reflection on things we are grateful for encourages us to see the positive aspects of life rather than get caught up in the chaos.
Count Your Wins
It can be easy to forget about all that we have accomplished over the past year if our minds are preoccupied with the New Year ahead. Jot down three successes you had in 2022—big or small—and write down why they made you proud. Maybe you read more books than you thought was possible in one year or launched your own business or went to therapy. Reflecting on our wins helps us foster an attitude of self-love and appreciation while motivating us to continue challenging ourselves.
Look for the Lessons
It is also a time to consider the lessons that you can take away from this year. If personal relationships, finances, relationship with yourself or personal beliefs have shifted- ask yourself what you have gained, how you have changed and what you can let go of. Look for an overall theme of 2022 in your life. Try to see the big picture as this will help you move more intentionally forward for 2023.
Reflection is key when it comes to personal growth; taking time each day (or week) to look back at where we’ve come from gives us insight into where we want to go next. The end of 2022 marks an opportunity for us women—and especially parents—to recognize our accomplishments big and small